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Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!nic.hookup.net!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!gatech!pitt!willett!ForthFAQ
From: ForthFAQ@willett.pgh.pa.us (FAQ account for comp.lang.forth)
Newsgroups: comp.lang.forth,comp.answers,news.answers
Subject: Forth FAQ: Forth In Print. (l/m 07.Nov.93)
Message-ID: <4829.UUL1.3#5129@willett.pgh.pa.us>
Date: 15 Dec 93 01:40:03 GMT
Expires: Wed, 22 Dec 93 23:59:59 EDT
References: <4819.UUL1.3#5129@willett.pgh.pa.us>
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Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu comp.lang.forth:14697 comp.answers:3025 news.answers:15822
Archive-name: ForthFaq/InPrint
Last-modified: 07.Nov.93
Version: 1.6
[Thanks go to Stephen J Bevan <bevan@computer-science.manchester.ac.uk>
for taking the time/effort to reorganize this part of the FAQ. -dwp]
This section of the Forth FAQ describes various books that are either
about Forth or that use Forth. If you know of a book that isn't
mentioned or if you don't agree with some of the comments in the
capsule reviews, then send in the relevant information!
Recent Changes:
1993-08-XX bevan Created list out of old FAQ on books.
1993-08-XX bevan Added some new entries.
1993-10-12 bevan Reordered entries alphabetically by author and
added some new entries.
1993-11-07 dwp Minor reformatting for FAQ script pre-processing.
Thanks to the following for contributing :- Stephen J. Bevan
<bevan@cs.man.ac.uk>, Gene Lefave (G.LEFAVE on GEnie), Ong Hian Leong
<scornd4@solomon.technet.sg>, Dick Miller <dmiller@im.lcs.mit.edu>,
Julian V. Noble <jvn@fermi.clas.Virginia.EDU> and Norman E. Smith
"Starting FORTH" - Leo Brodie
Prentice Hall 1981
An introduction, from first principles, to Forth.
"Thinking FORTH" - Leo Brodie
Prentice Hall 1984
[This book is generally considered out of print. -dwp]
Dick Miller <dmiller@im.lcs.mit.edu> writes:
It is a top-notch book on strategy, and always was our [MMS] top
recommendation for the SECOND book, after you bought a textbook to
learn the Forth words. This one teaches you which ones to select
when, how to hone your habits for better Forth (and other)
programming, etc. You can't buy it new anymore, but DO ask at your
library, etc.
"FORTH: A TEXT AND REFERENCE" - Mahlon G. Kelly and N. Spies
Prentice Hall 1986
Dick Miller <dmiller@im.lcs.mit.edu> writes:
Very readable, covers beginner level through relatively advanced,
including Assembler and 8087 math coprocessor details, particularly
appropriate to IBM PC and MMSFORTH, but very strong for general use
as well. The only college-level textbook, complete with exercises
and answers.
Stephen J. Bevan <bevan@cs.man.ac.uk> writes:
As someone who doesn't think of himself as either a beginner or
relatively advanced at Forth (i.e. somewhere in between), I found
the book rather dull and obvious. It does seem to be better than
some of the other books that are aimed at beginners though (I'll try
and name names when I can remember the titles). So if you are a
complete novice, it is probably worth a look, but if not, I'd give
it a miss and try something that aims a bit higher.
"Stack Computers: The New Wave" - Phillip Koopman
Ellis Horwood 1989
Stephen J. Bevan <bevan@cs.man.ac.uk> writes:
This isn't a book about Forth, rather it is about computers that
potentially execute Forth very efficiently. The book contains a
detailed overview of a number of Forth chips as well as potted
history of what seems to be every stack based computer ever
"Threaded Interpretive Languages" - R.G. Loeliger
BYTE BOOKS, 1981, ISBN:0-07-038360-X
General consensus seems to be that this book is out of print, but
sometimes available from booksellers or used book places.
"Scientific FORTH: a modern language for scientific computing"
- Julian V. Noble
ISBN: 0-9632775-0-2
The books is available from FIG in the USA as well as directly from the
publisher: Mechum Banks Publishing, P.O. Box 335, Ivy, Virginia 22945, USA.
for $49.95 + $3.00 s/h (continental USA). In Europe it may be purchased
from MPE.
Julian V. Noble <jvn@fermi.clas.Virginia.EDU> writes:
While not intended for the Forth novice, Scientific FORTH contains a
good many serious examples of Forth programming style, useful programs,
as well as innovations intended to simplify number crunching in Forth.
It can now be found in the libraries of several major universities (e.g.
Yale, U. of Chicago and Rockefeller U.) and government and industrial
laboratories (e.g. Fermilab and Motorola). It comes with a disk containing
all the programs discussed in the book. An update file has recently
been posted to GEnie/FIG.
"Object-oriented Forth - Implementation of Data Structures"
- Dick Pountain
Academic Press 1987
Stephen J. Bevan <bevan@cs.man.ac.uk> writes:
This book is not for beginners, it assumes you are already happy with
CREATE/DOES>. If you aren't, don't even attempt reading this, you'll
only get mightily confused. The book discusses various ways of
introducing abstract data types and object oriented programming into
Forth. In the majority of the cases, code is given which implements
the desired feature, but beware, it assumes a certain linked
structure for the dictionary, so you might not be able to get the
code to work right away with your system. I recommend it.
"Write Your Own Programming Language Using C++" - Norman Smith
Wordware Publishing, Plano, Texas.
ISBN: 1-55622-264-5
Norman E. Smith <smithn@orvb.saic.com> writes:
This book presents a minimal Forth implementation called Until, for
UNconventional Threaded Interpretive Language. Until is designed
to be used as a macro language embedded in other applications. It
can both call and be called by other C functions.
"The Complete Forth" - A. Winfield
Wiley Books, 1983
Stephen J. Bevan <bevan@cs.man.ac.uk> writes:
Another introductory book.
"Forth: The New Model - A Programmer's Handbook" - Jack Woehr
M&T Publishing 1992 isbn: 0-13-036328-6
Some blurb that comes with it states that the audience for the book is :-
"+ An experienced Forth programmer who wishes to become
familiar with the draft-proposed standard for Forth
+ A Forth programmer who needs to know how to convert
existing programs to the new proposed standard
+ A programmer, experienced in other languages, who is
using Forth for an embedded control project
+ A beginning Forth programmer who wishes to learn the
Ong Hian Leong <scornd4@solomon.technet.sg> writes:
The author is (as at time of print) VP of Forth Interest Group and
member of X3J14, so he presumably knows what he's talking about. 8-)
I haven't really gone through the book, but judging from the year of
publication, I'd read this side-by-side with dpANS6...
Unless otherwise stated, most books should be available at all good
bookstores. A number of Forth vendors also sell books (sometimes at a
cheaper rate than bookstores).
If you have any questions about ForthNet/comp.lang.forth or any information
to add/delete or correct in this message or any suggestions on formatting or
presentation, please contact Doug Philips at one of the following addresses:
Internet: dwp@willett.pgh.pa.us
Usenet: ...!uunet!willett.pgh.pa.us!dwp